Our School
At BGN we work to promote a culture of learning and positive behaviour in lessons and around school. We aim to create a harmonious learning environment where teachers are permitted to establish a classroom environment which facilitates personalised, outstanding learning experiences for each child and in which each child feels safe. As our students progress through the school and grow in maturity, we support them in developing into resilient, reflective and compassionate young people, confident in making the decisions and choices that will allow them to fulfil their potential. We aim to focus on the positive of any situation rather than the negative and to be compassionate to the needs of our young people, developing a positive relationship with them and seeing Jesus in every child. While the term ‘pastoral care’ relates to the caring focus of all teachers, our pastoral team are those members of staff whose job it is to support our students and staff in this pursuit and their pastoral care is the supportive process that operates to this end.
Mr David Edmed, Deputy Headteacher and DSL, has overall responsibility for pastoral care.
There are Learning Leaders for KS3, KS4 and KS5. Years 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 are led by Assistant Learning Leaders. On a day-to-day basis, the Form Tutors take responsibility for each member of their form. Through this contact, a relationship is built which is based on mutual trust and confidence. The Form Tutors also liaise with the Learning Leader and Assistant Learning Leader and, of course, parents as the need arises. There is also a Pastoral Support Team for each of the Key Stages as well as an Attendance Officer. On occasions, it may be necessary to involve other agencies such as the School Nurse, the Adviza assistant or the School Police Liaison Officer to provide the best opportunities.