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Core RE

Year 12

Year 13

In Y12 Students will cover two schemes of work exploring Catholic teaching


  1. Poverty

In this unit students will explore the cause of poverty, fair trade and implications of giving to charity set within the framework of Catholic social teaching. It will also include some practical fundraising experience and planning and will be an engaging interesting look at these topics.


  1. Persecution

In this unit students will explore different types of persecution in the world today and how Catholics and individuals can respond to the challenges faced in the world today.








In Y13 Students will cover two schemes of work exploring Catholic teaching


  1. Ethics and morality

This unit gives students an opportunity to experience different ethical and moral frameworks and how they might be applied to situations we experience in our world today. This unit provides a safe space to explore different opinions and moral values while giving grounding in Catholic teaching.


  1. Human rights and trafficking

This unit gives students the time to reflect on the value of human rights and the dignity of the human person. Exploring topics such as the options for the poor, peace and solidarity, and care for creation. It is a great opportunity for reflection on some of these major topics.







It Is a statutory requirement that in Sixth Form, every school is required to deliver Religious Education to all students, including those in the Sixth Form.   In our brand-new Core RE(CoRE) Curriculum students are taught RE lessons for two hours a fortnight.  This gives students the opportunity to take some time out from the usual demands of their A Level subjects and allows them to think more deeply about their own formation.  We study a variety of topics under the title of ‘Catholic Social Teaching’.  This gives our students time to explore the challenges of the world we live in today and consider their own place in it.  It supports them in being informed citizens, ready to make decisions.  We have some really interesting topics for students to get involved in, and our aim is to bring Catholic Social Teaching to life so students can see how it is truly lived out.  Although this is not an examined subject, we will ensure that students are making appropriate progress in this topic, and we hope to offer opportunities to put the teaching into practice.  Core RE will sit outside the normal option blocks as it will be compulsory for all students.